An overall wellness approach to stress must be considered in any illness prevention program.  Stress can have many detrimental side effects if left untreated for a long time.  The nature of the stressors will be identified and the patterns of disharmony will be treated on an individual basis.  Treatment could consist of acupuncture, herbal medicine, osteopathic manipulation, exercises, diet changes, life style modifications, etc.

Tension / Stiffness
These kinds of physical symptoms could be signs of dysfunction or mechanical distress in the body.  An Osteopathic evaluation and treatment for body alignment is an effective course of action for this condition.  We also evaluate and treat for pattern discrimination using Chinese medicine and acupuncture. This is done to balance or harmonize the body functions again.

Poor posture
Poor posture can be a sign of physical dysfunction or mechanical distress in the body.  An Osteopathic evaluation and treatment for body alignment is an effective course of action for this condition. 

Lack of energy or vitality
Poor vitality or a lack of energy is a sign of weak body function. Chinese medicine and acupuncture are used to determine the nature of the dysfunction(s) so that symptom specific treatments can be administered.

Stop Smoking
Cigarette smoking is a strong habit of addiction. We can effectively treat this addiction through the use of auricular acupuncture.

Cleansing / detoxifying
Regular cleansing or detoxification are good ways to prevent disease or correct imbalances and dysfunction.  Each person is first evaluated for specific imbalances or predispositions. A specific cleanse is then developed for the individual based on those results.

Weight loss
Weight loss can have many benefits to enhancing one's health or wellness.  Each person is evaluated for specific imbalances or predispositions and then a specific herbal formula is devised to help the person achieve their optimal weight.

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